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  5. Custom Clip - Flavour & Outfit Surprise


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Custom Clip - Flavour & Outfit Surprise

10:13 s. JanaLogan


Tämä on esiintyjän JanaLogan julkaisema VIP-VIDEO. Lue lisää kirjautumalla sisään:


This is going to be an absolute highlight, according to a slaves script! He was allowed to make three outfit requests, but I chose one - and Im going to surprise him with it. The tension mounts as his eyes remain firmly closed while the pear is properly serviced. Only when the moment is perfect is he allowed to open his eyes - and see me in this breathtaking outfit. The sight should literally knock him off his chair! Countdown moments while savouring the flavours and an explosive surprise at the end make the whole thing unforgettable. Be there when it all comes down to the wire!

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